Safe Sex Toy and Risk of Use
As a manufacturer of sex toys and adult bedside novelty products, we understand and consider the safe use of our adult products when we design these products. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has crafted the first specification or product guide to improve the safety and use of sex toys. That standard is ISO3533, with its first edition 2021-09 Sex Toys – Design and safety requirements for products in direct contact with genitalia, the anus or both. The main goal is to minimize risk of injury with sex toys and prevent any unwanted adventure to the emergency room.
Velvet Co. Seeks to Decrease Sex Toy Risks
Of course, as part of our company organization we seek to continuously improve our products and decrease any risk of use for the safety of users. This requires that we establish employ procedures for identifying hazards and controlling risks with responsible behavior. This may be done in the inherent design of the product but also are notifications provided in product listings and sex toy product use instructions are published to extend safe use of sex toys.
Understanding the Risks of Safe Sex Toy Use
What risks are there? There are many considerations when evaluating risk per the first edition of the ISO3533 specification. They include things like determining the severity of possible harm from a product both as intended to be used and foreseeable misuse of product. Then the probability of occurrence for such a negative or harmful event is calculated. Using these baseline evaluations we seek to control the risk of use for users and seek continuous improvement. Always we want to provide great guidance for users to enjoy themselves and avoid harm.

Of course, assessment of risk if requires a detailed process of identifying potential hazards, Reviews those potentially harmful or negative outcome of use and derive an evaluation or guide with which to work and improve. At Velvet Thruster, we consider something with an occurrence less than .005%, to be a very low risk category and like to combine that with a low severity of harm. As well, product listings have been updated to include identification of risks, including description of proper use and warnings about misuse.
Possible Safe Sex Toy Risk Factors
Our products thrusting dildos products, metal dildos, novelty vibrators and strokers or fleshlight style mastubrators have been designed for an intended use as described in each product listing. With proper use we have mitigated risks within the design and always seek to continuously improve those products based on experience and feedback. Misuse is bigger problem, we are encouraging customers to review our product listings and read all product instructions and warnings. Misuse can lead to an emergency room visit.
Sharp Edges
Sex toys should not have any sharp edges, but manufacturing processes sometimes can leave unwanted residue or parting lines that could create a sharp edge injury. As part of our internal sex toy quality control, we have multiple steps and operations that are designed to prevent sharp edges and quality steps to visually and manually check each one. As a secondary measure, we add to our product instructions notes encouraging our users to inspect their sex toy on receipt and run there hands on the products to feel for any such defect.
Body Safe Sex Toy
Platinum cured silicones are the best for a Body Safe Sex Toy, They offer longevity of use, are chemical resistant and do not break down quickly as tin cured silicones would. As your platinum silicone sex toy will be velvety smooth and non-porous. Medical grade silicone for sex toys is also a platinum cure silicone. Some silicone materials are tin cured or combined with other materials like chromate that some people may mind find irritating to the skin, as such we don’t use those materials.
Anal sex toy safety
Going to the emergency room is the worst possible outcome for sex toy use with only death being worse. Anal toy insertion and not being able to retrieve the item is the biggest problem for users and medical workers. Please read our item descriptions completely, we will indicate if the item is not intended for use in anal play.
How to Clean Sex Toys
Warm water and soap is recommended for all our sex toy brand products, use simple soap not added oils or moisturizers that may leave residue. Use warm water and rub clean for at least 20 seconds. Let them naturally dry and store in a clean and dry place. For added protection them spray and wipe with our Glisten sex toy cleaner. It works just as well on your cell phone. The better you maintain your sex toy the longer you will get value and orgasms from it.
Sex Toy Battery Safety
Our Thrusting sex toys are very powerful and use new tech in batteries which have allowed us to create powerful handheld sex toy products that are exceptional like Velvet thruster Prime or Velvet Thruster Mini. These batteries have a small risk of use which we wish to inform our users about so that they may be informed about safety and handling. We have calculated 10 burn outs in 10000 shipments, which is a risk of 1/10th of a single percent or .001%. In that risk, it has been seen that battery can fry if a wire inside gets pinched or pressed against the printed circuit board. It has a will burn itself out, smoke and outgassing will occur. A fire could occur if left laying on a combustible item, like a carpet. Don’t get burned, anything burning out can be hot. The very low risk occurrence .001%, plus what could be severe injury make this a 3 rated product. See our safe sex toy quality rating chart below.