Your bedroom is your domain. That means if you want to have cuddly, sleepy sex, then you and your partner can do so in complete comfort. It also means that if you want to explore your body in new ways and push your pleasure to the limit with intense sex toys, we say go for it. Sex and sex toys are your chance to unwind and take care of your wants and needs with the intensity that’s right for you.
There are plenty of sex toys on the market that can help create just about any sensation you can dream of, be it pleasure, pain, dominance, or submission. At Velvet Co., we see hardcore sex toys as a way to deepen and diversify the emotions you can feel during sex. Using intense sex toys like our Velvet Thrusters, you can turn your bedroom into a kingdom of pleasure. Want some ideas for rough sex toys to introduce to your bedroom? Read this naughty post to start with!
Sex Machines
One of the less common but most desired sensations you can get from a hardcore sex toy is penetration. If you want that unique feeling of penetration, there are a few hardcore sex toys you can use. The first variety is regular dildos, which you have to control manually. But regular dildos only deliver the thrust you or your partner can manage at the other end.
What if you want a good thrusting more powerful than what you can manage yourself? Another option for penetration is sex machines, which are often floor-standing creations with a thrusting dildo on one end. Though this option offers plenty of power and thrust, it also tends to be expensive and clunky.
The founders of Velvet Thruster sought to overcome these shortcomings of the sex machine, so they created The Thruster, a hardcore penetrating sex toy for maximum portability and power. Either lay back, hold the base in your hand and let the patented thruster move the dildo inside of you, or place the base on a pillow and take a seat. Either way, it’s easy to get a totally lifelike sexual experience out of the Thruster, a hardcore toy many individuals and couples have already adapted into their sex lives. The Thruster is for those who need some intense penetration from their sex toy repertoire!
If the classic thruster is too much to handle, you can still enjoy an intense sex toy in a smaller package. Try the Velvet Thruster Mini.
Strap-On Dildos
Strap-on dildos are another hardcore sex toy that couples thoroughly enjoy. It makes the feeling of true pelvic thrusting, once available only to men, now available to all. Whether you enjoy being on the giving or receiving end of penetrating thrust, there is a strap-on out there that is just right for you.
Strap on-dildos can be used by just about anyone. Lesbian couples can use strap-on dildos to add a different dimension to their sexual experience. Women in straight relationships can use strap-on intense sex toys for rough pegging. Men can even wear strap-ons to increase their thrusting power and endurance. Strap-on dildos are a great way to introduce hardcore sex toys to your bedroom.
Drip/Massage Candles
Luxury hardcore sex toys for BDSM enthusiasts can have daunting price tags attached to them. To roughen things up a little in the bedroom without breaking the bank, try starting with some massage or sexy drip candles. Specifically designed for sexual/massage use, these candles can create ambiance through scent and lighting while being safely used for sensual, relaxing massages.
While you shouldn’t be dripping hot candle wax inside you, you CAN use the wax on breasts, scrotum, feet, etc. for a sensual massage. Massage candles are an intimate, intense sex toy idea that couples can use to help create a lusty mood.
Chastity Belts & Penis Cages
Here’s a sex toy idea for those who love to give/withhold pleasure. Female chastity belts and male penis cages, though gnarly-looking, are loved by BDSM enthusiasts. Playing with the power dynamic allows or denies yourself/your partner of sex until the right time.
Urethra Sounding Toys
One type of sex toy that makes things hot and rough for men is urethral toys such as penis plugs and urethral sounds. Urethral probes, known as “sounds”, are hardcore sex toys that come in various lengths. They are meant to be inserted into the urethra, which is filled with sensitive nerve endings that adventurous folks will enjoy exploring. These sounds sometimes even extend far enough to stimulate the prostate.
Penis plugs are the better option if you’re new to urethral play. They are short insertable toys that stimulate just the tip of the urethra to increase sensitivity. They mimic the look of the Prince Albert piercing, which is a look that many men love to wear. With either of these extremely intimate and intense sex toys, take precautions to ensure safety. They definitely aren’t for the faint of heart!
Explore The Boundaries Of Pain And Pleasure With Hardcore Sex Toys
People enjoy sex for many reasons, and people can experience pleasure from all kinds of feelings. With the intense sex toys available today, you and your partner can experience a wider range of sensations than you ever have before. Interested in the history behind one of the newest hardcore sex toys? Read the story about how Velvet Thruster fused technology with the adult industry to create the ultimate thrusting dildo!